What Are VA Home Loans?

  What Are VA Loans? As the video says, the name is misleading – they’re not loans FROM the VA. The VA – short for “US Department of Veterans Affairs” – is the Federal military veteran benefit system. The VA administers benefits and services for Servicemembers, Veterans their dependents and survivors. Programs related to home […]


What Are The Major Types Of VA Loans?

  What Are The Major Types Of VA Loans? Major Veterans Affairs loan programs described in this video include: 1) Purchase Loans. These help eligible parties buy a home at competitive interest rates with little to no down payment and little or no private mortgage insurance. 2) Cash Out Refinance Loans which enable taking cash […]


What Is Equity?

  Equity is the value YOU own in property such as a house. It’s the difference between what’s OWED and what the property is WORTH in the current market. The example this video shows – you have a house worth $300,000 today and you owe the bank $200,000.  Your equity would be $100,000. If the […]


What Is “Prime”?

  The Prime Lending Rate – sometimes just called “Prime”  – is the interest rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans. Some consumer rates – like ARMs – are set in relation to Prime. In the US, Prime is affected by the Federal Reserve lending rate to banks; historically, Prime is about 3 […]


Closing Costs Explained Visually

  Purchasing a home is exciting. Once escrow begins, the excitement can change to frustration, particularly if you are not ready for the closing costs that quickly accumulate. Closing costs simply refer to the fees associated with various things associated with the escrow process in a real estate transaction. In the excitement of having an offer accepted for your dream […]


How Should I Prepare For Internet Showing?

  Today, your first “showing” will be on the Internet – you’re watching this on the Internet, right? Your price, listing description and PHOTOS determine whether someone will visit in person.  Consider professional staging advice or help. Prep for photos and video just as carefully as real visits. Ask your realtor if they use a professional photographer If they […]
